The following 43 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

4th   5th   and   array   autosplit   but   column   convert   delimited   enable   example   expression   fasta   file   For   id   in   input   inputfile   Liners   loop   nale   newlines   of   oligo   on   One   out   output   over   perl   resulting   say   sequence   sequences   strip   tab   the   them   to   want   with   you  

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Perl One Liners

For example, say you have a tab delimited file of oligo sequences, with id in the 4th column, and sequence in the 5th column, and you want to convert it to a fasta file:

perl -nale 'print ">$F[3]\n$F[4]"' inputfile.txt

PerlRun (last edited 2009-06-12 17:56:55 by ChrisSeidel)