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action   allows   an   and   argument   be   call   can   Chris   different   display   displaying   generate   links   Macro   macro   one   package   page   pangloss   particular   plsavez   Seidel   should   so   specify   Syntax   that   The   the   theme   themes   Themes   There   To   to   try   usage   use   used   what   which   with  

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Themes Macro and themes action

The Themes package has an action which allows one to call a page and specify what theme should be used to display the page. There is also a macro which can generate links with the action argument, so that one can try displaying a page with different themes.



To call a page with a particular theme use:

ThemesMacro (last edited 2007-05-05 17:45:40 by ChrisSeidel)