The following 73 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

3rd   about   add   alignment   alternate   an   available   awk   bam   bamfile   bowtie   build   can   case   chr   column   cut   entries   f12   fasta   feature   file   format   hits   idxstats   If   in   index   indexed   indicates   information   input   length   Map   mapped   mapping   multimapping   name   of   output   paired   quality   Quality   reads   reference   region   returns   samtools   should   sort   sorted   sum   summarize   tag   Tally   tc   that   The   the   To   to   total   uniq   unmapped   up   use   value   view   with   within   Working   wt   you  

Clear message

Create a bowtie index

bowtie-build input.fasta output_index_name

Working with samtools to summarize an alignment

If you have a sorted, indexed bam file:

samtools idxstats bamfile.bam

returns a 4 column format of reference feature, length, # of mapped reads, # of unmapped reads (in case of paired end?)

To summarize the total, you can use awk to add up the entries in the 3rd column:

samtools idxstats bamfile.bam | awk '{sum += $3}END{print sum}'

Map Quality

A value of 255 indicates that mapping quality is not available.

Tally multimapping reads within a region

The XA tag should have information about alternate hits.

samtools view wt_tc_2.bam chrIV:160995-163154 | cut -f12 | sort | uniq -c

SolexaAnalysis (last edited 2014-05-30 19:06:41 by ChrisSeidel)