The following 85 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

add   Add   all   and   Asparagus   asparagus   begins   below   butter   can   Chop   chopped   cloves   consistency   cook   cooking   dash   diced   dish   don   Fettucine   fettucine   fresh   from   garlic   get   gets   Heat   heat   hot   idea   if   in   inch   include   into   juice   lemon   Let   like   mind   of   oil   olive   or   part   pasta   pepper   pieces   put   quick   roma   salt   Season   sections   simple   skillet   soft   some   stocks   stretch   Tbls   that   The   the   them   This   throw   Throw   tips   to   together   tomato   Tomatoes   tomatoes   toss   tossed   until   want   when   When   with   without   You   you  

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Fettucine with Asparagus and Tomatoes

This is a quick simple dish of pasta tossed with asparagus tips and fresh tomatoes.

6 stocks of asparagus
2 Tbls butter
1 Tbls olive oil
juice from 1/2 lemon
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 roma tomato, diced
dash of salt

Chop asparagus into 3/4 inch pieces. You can include 1 or 2 sections below the tips if you want to stretch it and don't mind that part. Heat butter in a skillet. Throw in the garlic, when it gets hot, add a dash of salt and throw in the asparagus. Let it cook until the asparagus begins to get soft. When the asparagus is the consistency you like, throw in the tomatoes and lemon juice. The idea is the put some heat into the tomatoes without cooking them.

Add the fettucine and toss it all together. Season with salt and pepper.

Recipe/AsparagusTomatoPasta (last edited 2009-03-07 22:04:07 by ChrisSeidel)