The following 107 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

1em   85em   above   an   and   arrangement   arranging   at   attachment   background   be   block   blocks   by   can   Category   cindex   clear   column   convert   converts   described   each   eeeeee   entire   etc   Example   file   fill   final   float   following   font   for   from   generate   good   handed   in   index   into   iv   Jan07   library   lines   loop   main   margin   matrix   ncol   nrow   numeric   of   Often   or   original   padding   Plate   plate   plates   plot   positions   prada   process   processing   re   read   reader   readers   reading   reads   refrencing   represents   resembles   right   row   scan   scan1   sep   separated   seq   single   size   some   start   starting   style   such   table   tablestyle   text   The   the   then   those   Time   time   to   To   used   Using   using   visualize   visualized   well   which   with  

Clear message

Using R to process Plate Data

R is good for reading, processing, and re-arranging data from 96 or 384 well plates. Often plate readers generate data which resembles the following:

Example Data from plate reader

[Plate: M 410  #1]

[Plate: M 410  #2]
[...] etc.

Data such as the above in a text file can be read into R using read.table(), and with some re-arrangement visualized with the prada library.

x <- read.table(file="410 clear.TXT", sep=";", fill=T)
# The first data line of eachplate is on the 4th line 
# and then re-occurs every 11 lines.
# Create an index vector to find the first data line
# of each plate.
iv <- seq(4,176,11)

# fix the data by converting all the plates to indivudal columns
d <- matrix(0,ncol=16, nrow=96)
cindex <- 1
for( i in iv ){
    column <- c()
    for(k in 0:7){
       column <- c(column, x[i + k, 2:13])
    d[,cindex] <- as.numeric(column)
    cindex <- cindex + 1

# view the first column of data
plotPlate(d[,1], nrow=8, ncol=12, main="scan 1, t=0")

The code above reads in the text file from the plate reader, and converts each plate of data into a single column. The first column represents a reading of the entire plate at time t=0. To visualize the data, the first column of data is handed to plotPlate().

As described, the blocks of data in the original file are separated by 4 lines. I used seq() to create an index refrencing the starting row of each block of plate data, and then a loop to start at each of those positions and convert the plate data to a column in the final matrix d.


R PlateData (last edited 2007-04-09 04:50:21 by ChrisSeidel)