The following 226 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

100th   active   align   aligned   Aligned   alignments   all   aln   amounts   an   analysis   analyze   and   at   attachment   basic   be   been   below   by   cafe   can   cat   cfilt   Ch   Chip   chip   chipseq   chr   chromosomal   chromosome   chromosomes   coerce   command   compose   confusing   contains   convert   custom   cws42   developed   development   drive   Drosophila   each   ease   Eland   encoded   encodes   environment   etc   every   example   execute   explore   exploring   export   Export   export2   expression   fa   file   files   filt   filter   Filter   filtering   flash   follows   footprint   for   form   format   from   functions   gd   Genome   genome   genomic   get   gnerate   go   goes   great   H9   hand   hardware   Het   how   However   idea   If   in   including   inefficient   information   integers   interest   into   kind   lay   library   like   line   list   lists   locations   long   manipulate   many   melanogaster   memory   most   neccesary   need   nfilt   object   objects   of   On   on   Once   once   one   only   or   original   other   our   out   overview   own   packages   pattern   perform   perhaps   png   powerful   primetime   problem   processing   Python   qfilt   quality   ratios   Read   read   reading   Reads   reads   ready   really   relatively   relevant   require   required   result   run   save   say   scores   scripts   see   sequence   sequences   set   Short   simply   size   small   solexa   Solexa   some   Some   something   spath   specific   step   strand   sub   such   take   takes   tasks   that   The   the   them   these   they   things   This   this   through   Thus   time   to   To   track   traverse   tutorial   two   type   typically   un   under   unfamiliar   us   use   used   using   vanilla   various   vast   very   wce   we   When   which   with   workflow   writing   written   You   you   your  

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solexa ChIP SEQ data in R

This is an example workflow for analysis of solexa ChIP SEQ data in R.

When processing solexa data for chip SEQ analysis, many of us have our own scripts that have been written in Perl or Python to do things like gnerate BED or WIG files, create IP/wce ratios, etc. However, these scripts take a long time to run, can use vast amounts of memory (which may require that you use specific hardware), and writing custom scripts for specific tasks is very inefficient for exploring data. On the other hand, R is a great environment for exploring data, and packages have been developed for for analysis of solexa data.

Some of the packages for analysis of solexa data are under active development, and may not be ready for primetime. However, in this tutorial I lay out how to read in a data set, and convert it to something which takes a relatively small memory footprint, such that you can manipulate it and explore it with ease.

The only problem with using R for chip SEQ analysis, is that you have to traverse various objects that are at first confusing and unfamiliar. However, once you get used to them, they can be very powerful.

Here is an overview of some of the objects one goes through to analyze chip SEQ data in R:

The first step is reading the data into an alignedReads object. This is an object from the ShortRead library, and contains all the relevant solexa data, including sequences and quality scores. To perform genomic analysis on Chip SEQ data most of this information is un-neccesary, and all you really need are the chromosomal locations, including strand, of the alignments. This information can be encoded into a GenomeData object, which is the kind of object required by some of the chipseq library functions. To convert an alignedReads object to a genome data object we can simply coerce is using "as" (see example below). A genomeData object is a list of chromosomes, each with two sub lists of integers for each strand. Thus the GenomeData object encodes the genomic locations, by strand, for every read of interest on every chromosome. Once you have the data in this form, it is typically very small - perhaps 1/100th of the original size of the solexa result file. You can save it as an R object, and copy it to your flash drive for analysis at the cafe.

The basic idea is to go from sequence reads in export format (i.e. from Eland files of the form: s_n_export.txt) to a track you can see in the genome browser.


# create a path to the location of your export files
spath <- "/n/analysis/cws42/42TH9AAXX"

# create some filters
nfilt <- nFilter()
# you can use a regular expression to grab only reads
# which align to a set of chromosomes
cfilt <- chromosomeFilter("Drosophila_melanogaster.chr.[234|Het|L|R|X]+.fa")
# quality filter
qfilt <- alignDataFilter(expression(filtering == "Y"))
# combine filters together into one
filt <- compose(nfilt, cfilt, qfilt)

# Read in a lane of data
aln <- readAligned(spath, pattern="s_1_export.txt", type="SolexaExport", filter=filt)

# convert to GenomeData object <- as(aln,"GenomeData")

If you save the code to a file, say export2GD.r, you can execute it on the command line as follows:

cat export2GD.r | R --vanilla

R ChIP-SEQ (last edited 2010-03-27 05:18:49 by ChrisSeidel)