The following 43 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

10e6   across   Brain   Cell   Cells   cells   come   epithelial   Expected   expected   fibroblast   flow   following   From   from   Kidney   Liver   mammalian   mg   muscle   Numbers   of   or   placenta   Purification   purification   Reagent   Skeletal   sorted   sources   Spleen   the   Tissue   Total   Trizol   Type   ug   various   ve   with   Yield   Yields   yields  

Clear message

RNA Purification Yield

Expected Yields of Total RNA from mammalian cells following purification with Trizol Reagent


Yield / mg

Liver or Spleen

6-10 ug


3-4 ug

Skeletal muscle or Brain

1-1.5 ug


1-4 ug

From Cells, the following yields are expected:

Cell Type

Yield / 10e6 cells


8-15 ug


5-7 ug

flow sorted

4-20 ug

Numbers I've come across from various sources.

RNA Yield (last edited 2008-02-15 05:26:55 by ChrisSeidel)