The following 134 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

able   Add   Administrative   all   All   and   appear   available   back   be   box   broke   But   but   called   can   certain   chance   choose   circa   configuration   connect   Connector   connector   Control   control   database   databases   Description   dialogue   didn   done   downloads   driver   Drivers   earlier   enter   every   Every   figure   finally   for   From   from   give   Go   had   However   In   in   Install   installed   Items   library   linux   listed   ll   machine   Mar   mine   My   my   mysql   name   Name   network   newer   odbc   of   on   only   open   Open   optimal   option   out   panel   Panel   password   past   pi   Problem   put   resolvable   see   seemed   select   set   should   since   so   solution   Source   source   Sources   specific   steps   sub   system   tab   that   the   then   Then   there   this   time   to   Tools   tried   Under   unnecessary   use   used   User   username   using   utilize   version   versions   want   was   website   when   which   Windows   windows7   with   With   work   worked   You   you   your  

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Problem: I want to use R on my windows7 machine, but access data from a linux machine on my network.

In the past (circa 2005-2010, for earlier versions of R, e.g. 2.4, and Windows XP), I had used a Windows-specific library for access to MySQL called RMySQL, that was only available from a specific website, and only worked with certain versions of R. However, that solution was sub-optimal, broke every time I installed a newer version of R, and also seemed unnecessary since I should be able to utilize ODBC to connect to my MySQL databases. Every time I tried to figure it out, it didn't work. But here is a set of steps that finally worked.

15 Mar 2012

1.) Install the RODBC library in R.

2.) Install the ODBC connector/driver on your Windows 7 box (

3.) From your Windows 7 box, open the control panel: Control Panel/All Control Panel Items/Administrative Tools, you'll see and option for Data Sources. Open that option, and select the "Drivers" tab. You should see the MySQL ODBC driver listed there. Go back to the User DSN tab and choose the "Add" option, and you should then have a chance to Add the ODBC data source. A configuration dialogue should appear called "MySQL Connector" in which you can give your data source a "Data Source Name" and a "Description". Under the "TCP/IP" option put the network resolvable name of your system (mine is called pi, so I enter "pi"). Then enter you MySQL username, password, and the name of the database to use when you connect to MySQL. With all this done, you should be able to connect to this database using R.

R/RMySQL (last edited 2012-03-15 18:33:04 by ChrisSeidel)