The following 53 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

account   add   can   checkbox   Configuration   css   defaults   disable   disabled   doubleclick   edit   fancy   fields   following   form   found   Help   in   like   logout   me   multiconfig   nonexist   On   on   options   or   page   parameters   password   password2   possible   predefine   Preferences   qm   remember   remove   sendmail   several   show   shown   spaces   The   the   toolbar   topbottom   User   user   using   values   wikiconfig   wikiname   You  

Clear message

You can predefine, disable or remove several options on the UserPreferences page using the following parameters in like shown on HelpOnConfiguration:

The possible values are found in

user_checkbox_remove = ['edit_on_doubleclick', 'show_nonexist_qm', 'show_toolbar', 'show_topbottom', 'show_fancy_diff', 'wikiname_add_spaces', 'remember_me', 'disabled',]

user_form_remove = ['password', 'password2', 'css_url', 'logout', 'create', 'account_sendmail',]

HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences (last modified 2007-04-01 02:20:37)