The following 215 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

ability   above   add   additional   all   allow   altogether   always   an   and   Another   author   auto   automatically   be   before   begin   below   between   block   blocks   both   braces   break   buffer   but   by   can   cause   column   Commands   common   Common   configure   contents   conversion   cookies   creation   creator   Ctrl   curly   date   Default   default   determines   disable   disables   document   documents   double   drawers   edit   either   else   emphasized   empty   equals   etc   expand   export   exported   exports   file   files   fill   Five   fixed   followed   following   footnotes   For   for   formatting   fragments   from   happens   heading   headline   held   hell   horizontal   How   If   in   inclusion   insert   instance   integer   interpret   interpreted   into   involves   items   justify   keep   keywords   kwds   La   left   level   levels   like   limit   line   lines   link   list   ll   local   macros   mark   method   mode   Mode   my   name   named   never   nil   none   num   number   numbers   of   off   Often   on   One   option   Options   options   or   paragraph   paragraphs   path   plain   preservation   pri   priority   property   quoted   region   remove   required   results   retain   row   rule   second   section   sections   see   select   set   shown   simple   skip   skipping   slash   Some   something   space   Space   special   stamps   strings   sub   subscript   subscriptedword   subscripting   superscripting   superscripts   supposed   syntax   Tab   table   tables   tags   tangle   tasks   Te   template   text   that   The   the   then   this   time   timestamp   to   To   toc   todo   turn   type   underlined   underscore   upon   use   Using   using   value   variable   want   way   web   what   Whereas   width   will   With   write   You   you  

Clear message

Editing files

To justify a block of text, select the block and type: M-q or M-x fill-paragraph

The default value is held in the fill-column variable and is 70. You can change it in the local buffer C-x f followed by the number you want.

# for a width other than 70 (default)
C-x f 100
# justify selected block

Another method:

Ctrl-Space to mark the block
C-u 70 M-x fill-region

Org Mode Commands

To insert a default template into the document, use: c-c c-e #, then type 'default'.

subscript upon export

One of the formatting options involves superscripting or subscripting: ^:t upon export. For instance this option will cause an underscore to subscript any following text. To disable this, change the t to either nil, or curly braces. With curly braces you retain the ability to subscript by underscore, but curly braces are required, e.g. my_{subscriptedword}. Whereas using nil disables it altogether.


t = always nil = never

Common Options

Often in org mode documents you'll see an OPTIONS line:

#+OPTIONS:   H:4 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:nil -:t f:t *:t <:t
#+OPTIONS:   email:T author:T creator:T timestamp:T

How 'the hell are you supposed to interpret that? Some common options are shown below.

H:         set the number of headline levels for export
num:       turn on/off section-numbers
toc:       turn on/off table of contents, or set level limit (integer)
\n:        turn on/off line-break-preservation
@:         turn on/off quoted HTML tags
::         turn on/off fixed-width sections
|:         turn on/off tables
^:         turn on/off TeX-like syntax for sub- and superscripts.  If
you write "^:{}", a_{b} will be interpreted, but
the simple a_b will be left as it is.
-:         turn on/off conversion of special strings.
f:         turn on/off footnotes like this[1].
todo:      turn on/off inclusion of TODO keywords into exported text
tasks:     turn on/off inclusion of tasks (TODO items), can be nil to remove
all tasks, todo to remove DONE tasks, or list of kwds to keep
pri:       turn on/off priority cookies
tags:      turn on/off inclusion of tags, may also be not-in-toc
<:         turn on/off inclusion of any time/date stamps like DEADLINES
*:         turn on/off emphasized text (bold, italic, underlined)
TeX:       turn on/off simple TeX macros in plain text
LaTeX:     configure export of LaTeX fragments.  Default auto
skip:      turn on/off skipping the text before the first heading
author:    turn on/off inclusion of author name/email into exported file
email:     turn on/off inclusion of author email into exported file
creator:   turn on/off inclusion of creator info into exported file
timestamp: turn on/off inclusion creation time into exported file
d:         turn on/off inclusion of drawers

To add additional empty lines, i.e. space between paragraphs, or space after a table, etc. you can use a double slash:


Five dashes in a row equals horizontal rule


#+PROPERTY: tangle yes
#+PROPERTY: tangle Myanalysis.R

Using tangle is a way to export code blocks to a file. The lines above will allow code blocks to be exported to the file (or path) named in the second line.


#+PROPERTY: exports both

The exports property determines what happens to code blocks upon export from org to something else (e.g. HTML). The options are code|results|both|none.

(or path) named in the second line.

Emacs (last edited 2023-02-15 16:58:50 by ChrisSeidel)