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Chapter 3

     The Story The Authors
"Wait for me!" squealed the future Janice. "Me too!" yelled the grown up Kristi. The present and future angel Diannes merged into one and hopped into the back seat with Janice and Kristi. "Man, my past self was bringing me down!" said Janice as the car screamed onto the highway and sped away. Bitzy couldn't help admiring Kristi's chocolate brown hair that was blowing all over the place in the back seat of the convertible mustang. "Ow!" Janice screamed. "Your hair just whipped me in the eye!" "Let me fix it for you honey!" Bitzy said as she fished the comb and hairspray out of Vashondra's immaculate do and climbed into the back seat. With fingers flying, Bitzy worked her magic on Kristi. Pulling, poking, teasing, spraying, within minutes Kristi's hair was piled up high on top of her head in the most spectacular beehive hairdo that Bitzy had ever created. "Girlfriend! You have outdone yourself!" Vashondra said, looking in the rearview mirror. Bitzy climbed back into the front seat and put the comb and hairspray back into Vashondra's hair. They continued down the highway in the convertable mustang, not a hair out of place. Sandy

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