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Chapter 4

     The Story The Authors
Then they saw something that truly shocked them. dinosaur
They had no idea what to think of the large crawfish in front of them. Robin
Lila gasped in shock. She was suprised, and did not have time to morph. Stephanie already knew and morphed into a larger crawfish. Renee Renee
dropped dead, with a green slime pouring out of her gaped mouth. Andyroyd
Today was finally the day. Revenge, be it ever sweet, came swiftly upon her. none
"Keep your eyes on the road! You're going to get us all killed!" Bitzy screamed. "All but the immortal ones!" Janice added. Vashondra, who had been distracted by the sight of giant crawfish fighting in the middle of the desert, jerked the wheel and the mustang jumped back to the right side of the road just as an eighteen wheeler whizzed by. "Relax, Sugar. I've got it under control!" Vashondra said. Bitzy, who was so shocked by the sight of the crawfish and so shaken by the near miss, reached into Vashondra's three foot high strawberry blonde beehive and pulled out the cocktail shaker and began to make martini's for everyone - except Vash, of course, since she was driving. A little further down the road, they saw a hitchhiker and decided to pick her up. Sandy
All the children lay morphed in there new forms. A beastly Org marched out carrying a spiked malot the Org swung the malot it hit the morphed children crushing them, however not killing them. The org brought forth a cage 7 feet in height 4 feet in width. The cage was made of a highly reative chemical if touched it will bring forth death of any form laying in its cage no exit no enter the only way in is a secret guarded by the org. He scooped the Morphed children in to the cage. The kids screamed for mercy. The Org picked the cage up and slowly walked out to the water front. He rumbeled a command and the ground underneath gave way and down the plunged into the great pit. Not knowing what will happen only there's no way out and no one can save em. The screams echoed serenly down the pit. A sound of nails scrathing on a chalk board filled the air. In the pit came forth the org it slowly pulled itself out...alone. none
The children had died. Only one kid- Janie- survived. She was climbing the steep pit. Janie
As soon as she got out of the pit, she notice her long lost love, Dawson. She ran to think of all the things they had done in the past. Visions of him stroking her breast when they realized they love each other played in her mind over and over while she ran to him. One by one, she started stripping all her clothes off. He did the same. "Joey is that you?" "Yeah Dawson, it's me!" "Let's go back into the pit" "Okay, love!" When they got to the bottom of the pit, they started to eat sushi. They were getiing pretty hot and heavy from all the wasabi and tamari. Joey rolled on top No Namer
Vashondra whispered to Bitzy and Bitzy agreed. Bitzy turned around and saw Janice, Kristi and Dianne pretending to be asleep so they wouldn't have to listen to the hitchhiker's totally inane story anymore. Something had to be done, this stupid girl was boring everyone to death. Bitzy winked at Vashondra and Vashondra winked knowingly back at Bitzy. "Stop! Vash! There's a rabbit in the road!" Bitzy yelled. Vashondra screamed and slammed on the brakes. everyone in the back seat began to scream. The hitchhiker began to scream out of sheer confusion. When the car came to a halt, Vash and Bitzy grabbed the strange girl and threw her out of the car. Then Vashondra floored it and the mustang squealed away kicking gravel up into the girl's face. Sandy
As the hitchiker came to her senses she realized that she had fallen into some warped inner reality of the mind. Within each microsoluble of her skin she felt a strange cold. It seeped in, and rushed through her bloodstream until she was shaking, and gnawing, and spitting out gravel from the sides of her mouth. Her face had exploded in gooseflesh, and like the men before her who had fallen onto the very same spot, she felt an odd throbbing between her eyes. As the intensity of her discomfort increased, the girl whispered and thrashed, feeling eaten, as someone once said, by the sharks of rejection. Lovely. Brilliant. SHe likeed it that way, the stupid ingrate. She didn't seem to mind that she had totally bored the life out of a few other human beings, that did nothing to deserve that sort of malevolence. She forgot what her friend had emailed her. "Don't say anything unless what you have to say is better than silence." She shut up, and so stoked by this new calm... UNKNOWN AND AKIMBO

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