Bananas in Springtime

Bananas in Springtime

Chapter 3

     The Story The Authors
"Uh, Louisa? Louisa! You've been daydreaming again!" said Janice. "I was?" asked Louisa. "Yes," said Janice, "we're supposed to go out the door now in search of adventure." "oh, yeah, right, right," muttered Louisa. She scrambled out the door with everyone else: Janice, Joel, Jeremy, and Kristi. She wondered how Kristi felt about her misfit name. Actually, Kristi wasn't thinking about names. Kristi was wondering what Dianne was doing. Dianne was actually an angel, but heck, so was she, at least she had been until she had came back to life in this stupid, stupid story. Kristi had already been through a lot, especially considering that she was only 5 years old. Joel, the 9-year-old creative genius, was experiencing an entirely different train of thought. He was growing delerious from all this adventure, and his thoughts were something like "ryzzoequefyzytoaidgtaquezpjodefbympitydapjyty!!!" which is entirely unreasonable for anyone to think, especially a 9-year-old creative genious. Janice and Jeremy were husband and wife, and werethinking about each other, except Janice was half thinking of Jeremy and half thinking about which adventure she would have next. All were blissfully unaware that Carolyn
THIS WAS A DREAM TOO! Jean twisted and turned until she heard a THUMP. That THUMP was the sound of Jean falling off the bed. Jean was puzzled. All these thoughts about people and their dreams. "Christ." Jean muttered as she got up back onto the bed. "I gotta stop hiring those fucked up cleaning ladies." Jean shook her head and went downstairs. Her boyfriend, Max, was downstairs typing. Jean was suprised. "Max! What are you doing here?" Jean asked him curiously. Max blushed, for some reason. "I'll tell you as soon as you get some clothes on." Max turned away. Max's older brother David was walking around, too. "Hi, Jean. Want me to tuck you in?" David put down the milk carton he was drinking out of. Jean smiled. You know, the kind of smile men have when they're looking at another man's penis, or the other guy's looking at theirs. Okay, back to the story. You probably know all this crap. You know, I'm getting sick of this crap! Come on, am I the ONLY person WHO PUTS ALL THE DETAILS IN ABOUT SEX? IT'S BORING! I WANNA READ SOME REALLY JUICY STUFF HERE! none
"Then why don't you write some juicy stuff, you witless wonder!" It was Janice, dressed only in a leather holster and a thong and holding a very large gun. She pointed the gun at David. "This is for breaking character!" Janice pulled the trigger and blew a hole through David's chest. He fell to the floor and Janice pointed the gun at Max's blood splattered face. "This is for that lame ass dream cop out!" She blew a hole through Max's head. Janice turned to face Jean who was now holding a very large gun of her own. "Damn you!" Jean said to Janice. "I was going to have sex with those two!" "I don't care what you were going to do, I will not be written out so easily." Janice sneared. "I guess I'll have to kill you then." Jean growled. "Ha!" Janice laughed mockingly. "You can't kill me, I am immortal!" Janice shouted, raising her arms above her head triumphantly. "Well, then I can at least cause you great pain!" Jean pulled her trigger and shot Janice in the chest, knocking her against the wall. She slummped to the floor as Jean ran out of the room. "I'll get you for this." Janice coughed. sjr
Janice put her romance novel down and poked her son Joel in the ribs. "You're thinking about SEX again, aren't you?," she asked accusingly. Joel blushed and nodded solemnly. "I just can't get her out of my mind, Mom. Those few weeks I shared with her in the deep woods will always haunt me forever. Oh Jean, my love!" Joel sighed. His sister Kristi glared at him and said, "That was summer camp, you idiot! And you can't forget it cuz you caught a bad case of poison oak on your little tooter." "Did not!, " screamed Joel. "Did too!" screamed Kristi. They started pushing each other. Janice grabbed them both by their neck cuffs and shook them silly. "Will you two shut up?? I'm trying to read this really juicy novel in peace." Kristi turned to peek at the book's cover and read out loud, "Tropical Fever of the Flesh, Part Two". "Is that why we're headed to Hawaii next, Mom?,"asked Kristi with a gleam in her bright blue eyes. "I want to scale a volcano!" said Joel. "I want to skinnydip in a blue lagoon!", exclaimed Kristi. "And I want to get leid, " thought Janice. StoryThrasher

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