Bananas in Springtime

Bananas in Springtime

Chapter 1

     The Story The Authors
Darrell wondered, "did they send me to the store for peas?" His mind was spinning. Panic is not a pleasant state, especially when you pass the city limits! clark
There was not a moment to lose. He gathered himself into one large knot of coiled muscle and grit and sprang into the sand hill. "Dumb," he thought. "I should'uv worn my hat". Darrell was determined though, and he plucked the chicken from the ever advancing shift of sand. In one swift motion he pulled its neck taught and bit the head off clean as you please. "Wham, bam, thank ya m'am." The head's eyes were open wide with amazement and still blinking excitedly. Darrell lit up a Camel and pounded the side of his. "God damn sand," he muttered, exhaling a blue cloud. clark again
Darrell coughed. It was the cough of a body wracked by the years of smoking, drinking and dancing the macarena. Sweat dripped from his brow to the ground. "Bucbuc". It was the head. Darrell had almost forgotten. clam
Darrell made his way past the body, decapitated and bloody. He smirked, "how finger-likin' good". It would soon be dark and the wind blown sands would cover his tracks. He pulled out the fowl and he headed back to where he had left the others. cuber
The others, left hiding in the dark corners of the alley, had already begun to eat their dinner. Scraps of a meal already picked over by those who could afford to go to a grocery store. But we, the dark children of the night, had to live at the mercy of society. So everyday we found a new way to get our revenge. Our payback. Let them suffer. Suffer as we do. Right now. And every day and night from now on. lucy
And soon the darkness engulfed the Children of Daylight who arrived quietly trying to save the Dark Ones from themselves. With spears, bows and kitchen knives they fought mightily against the Evil Ruler who held the Dark Ohildren captive within his power. Nothing worked. The Children of Daylight retreated to a corner and plotted. They decided their plan of attack. Swiftly they scurried to the center of the room and in unison chanted nursery rhymes while the Sly One snuck up behinf the Evil One and dumped a bucket of yogurt upon his head. The Evil One went into a fit of anger until he realized it was his favourite flavour. STRAWBERRY! Ron
This sent the Evil One into a sudden fit of introspection. "Why am I here?" he thought. "What's it all about?" He sat down on the floor and began licking the stawberry yogurt off himself. The Children of daylight took this opportunity to whisk away the Dark Children to the deprogramming clinic. The Sly one felt pity for the Evil One and sat down on the floor next to him. "Can I be of any help?" the Sly One offered. "I'm just so confused," whined the Evil One. "First there was that whole bizarre Zsa Zsa thing and the apple pies and ghosts and psychic people. Then there was the space travel and other planets and aliens, allergic reactions, flame throwing squirrels, boxes of ashes, people coming back from the dead, wild tangents, cults with no name, exploding thongs and what ever happened to Janice, Joel and Kristi? I mean, what's it really all about?" "I guess it's just the mystery of life and we will never know." the Sly one said. "God, I'm depressed." said the Evil one. But suddenly, out of nowhere, came... Sandy R
Janice, Joel and Kristi! "Oh my God!" Janice screamed. "Is this was it has all come down to? People disappearing and reappearing. What is all supposed to mean?" Krisi smiled and replied."Don`t worry, Janice. We are back and that is all that matters. What do you think think, Joel?" Joel though for a few minutes and said," I dunno." Janice said,"Joel! Do something! Don`t just stand there." So Joel took his sharped sword and began shaving, thinking to himself, "If I succeed in this I had better look good after it`s done for Janice. And if she`s not interested... well, there`s always Krisi." WhiteKnight
Obviously Joel had sustained a massive head injury during the crashing landing of their space ship and now suffered from amnesia. Janice reminded her son that he was still only 9 years old and did not need to shave just yet. Then Janice turned to the Evil One and the Sly One and said,"So, what have we missed?" The Evil One still sat on the floor with his head in his hands and heaving long sighs. The Sly One spoke up. "Well, Evil here is suffering from the existential blues. My Children of Daylight have just rescued the Children of Darkness from the clutches of the Evil One. There's nothing more to do here so you all just be on your way. I'll stay here and help Evil through this rough period." Meanwhile, Kristi was fighting off Joel's lewd advances. "I'm your sister, Joel, stop it!" Kristi shouted. "Okay, kids, stop fighting. It's time to go." Janice said. And so they all left. They were on there way to Las Vegas for the Star Trek convention when suddenly... Sandy R

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