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Chapter 4

     The Story The Authors
They took Muff Potter away, but Hadley could only think of one thing: These can't be Jews. Jews at least beleive in a God... and that murder is wrong... and that they can only eat certain things and people are not on that list of certain things. These must be some savage native tribe. Then he looked up. Potter was gone. "Your turn," whispered a woman.
Meanwhile Gregor hopped and skipped to the Gnome Kitchen, carrying the bottle of Geraldine's guilt and anger. "Here you go," he said, handing it to the Head Gnomess, "Zis vill make vine vlavoring vor many veeks. And remember, leetle Gregorr gets his thouzand dollars..."
Hadley watched the scene confusedly. That stuff... I've seen it before... in Ini Slorg's eyes!!! He was a murderer, and you could see his guilt in his eyes, and eventually he shot himself and I saw it flowing out of the wound, masking his blood... maybe this is what is making the Gnomes crazy! I've got to get it away from them, then maybe they'll get their senses back and let me go...
It would cost him at least fifty cents. paul
Quite alright, he concluded, as he figured he could spare the price of a lick and stick tatoo for such wonderful splendor. Bart
The little boy stood in front of the counter and poked around at the change in his hand counting it all up. All his friends already had lick and stick tatoos and he wanted to join the club.
"46, 47, 48, 49,.......50. There's 50 cents.", said the little voice as he put the bubble gum package on the counter with the lick and stick tatoo inside. The stern woman behind the counter raised her head and looked down through her bifocals punching $0.50 on the register keys. The display said $0.52, and the woman took up the change in her hand, looked it over, looked at the little boy and said, "You need 2 more cents."
Little boy Hadley didn't understand. "Well the price tag says fifty cents, and I gave you fifty cents."
"But there's the tax."
Tax? What's that? How dumb that the price isn't what it says on the label, he thought. He didn't understand. He tried arguing with the woman but she kept talking about the tax and he didn't know or understand what the tax was. As he realized she wasn't going to sell him the bubble gum with the tatoo inside his face began to krinkle and his eyes started to water. Suddenly he felt that all grown-ups were just mean. He'd have to wait until next week's allowance to have enough. His dad gave him fifty cents a week. A week was an eternity.
...hadley's life was flashing before his eyes. spackle

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