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Chapter 6

     The Story The Authors
Thug piped up, "Let the sphincter live, I think he is kinda cute, besides he is a pharmacist." Vashondra gently took Bitsy's arm and stuck the uzi back in her less than fabulous beehive. "Percodan does complement a martini," Vashondra reminded Bitzy, "MAO inhibitors served with aged cheeses, can also be useful." We will take our new friend Frankie by his pharmacy so he can collect a few things and then we will find a justice of the peace. "I've decided that Candace will be the bride. She needs a bit of cheering up after what happened to Xavier, do hear me Bitzy?" the queen glared. Thug whined,"but but I wanted him, I miss Xavier too." Frustrated and needing another cocktail, Vashondra relented, "Okay, Thug you can share with Candace. Now both of you, hop in the trunk with Frankie." "Tiki, you drive us by the drug store and then back to Bitzy's. She does have a nice parlor for games." elan
The lime green mustang screeched to a halt in front Avalon's Apothecary and Sundries. Bitzy hopped out to free the love birds from their nesting place. "It's timmmmmme to shop, outta the trunk" Bitzy ordered in her best Vashondra-like voice. Frankie emerged first, followed nimbly my a grinning Candace. Only Thug was laicadasical in moving, drenched in sweat with a lug wrench protruding from his zipper, he moaned "I can't get up." "Tough bippy," Bitzy responded, "Who needs you anyway?" she hollered, slamming the trunk lid shut on his boot laces. Frankie and Candace were already behind the counter filling a shopping bag with goodies when Bitzy entered. She smiled at their acquisence to her commands. The vault of restricted medications was bare and two shopping bags were overflowing. "Don't forget the lambskin ribbed rubbers" Candace giggled to Frankie. "We don't need them" he grumbled irritatedly. Giving Frankie a quizical look, Candance filled a bag with pregancy, HIV and colon cancer test kits. "Enough!" Bitzy barked, "Time to lay rubber, we're history." "One moment" Frankie asked,"I have a customer." "Make it snappy" Bitzy retorted. It was the non-english speaking woman with the bare-bottomed infant again. She lifted the rashed filled crevice to Frankie's face, "no better" she mumbled. Out of patience Bitzy grabbed two bottles of powder, and dumped them on the poor childs rump. "Better NOW!" she holllered tossing the flea powder containers on the floor. With a threatening gesture over her lesser beehive she urged the horrified Frankie and the starry-eyed Candace out the rear door and into the trunk. She grabbed the parcels and tossed them unto the seat beside her. "Drive Tiki Drive" she demanded. mistress @c
The heat inside the trunk of the mustang was intolerable. Even Frankie,who was usually known for his priapistic desires, was close to disgorgement. Every time the mustang hit a speed bump, Candace's elbow smacked his testicles. He winced and cried in pain. Candace was no better off with the lug wrench imbedded inside Thug's zipper wedged against her nasal cavity. Thug was silent now, except for occassional gurgles from his throat. "What kind of wedding night is this?" she thought to herself as she began to lose consciousness. She tried to remain focused on the inheritance which her betrothed would soon claim. Pools of bodily fluids ebbed between her legs and she too had to give into the urge to vomit. chloe
Meanwhile, upfront in the lime green mustang convertable, Vashondra, Tiki and Bitzy were have the time of their lives, tossing capsules into each others mouths as if they were M&M's. It was such a pleasant night out, Tiki had decided to take the long way back to Bitzy's. Vashondra had pulled a frozen flask of very dry martinis from her three foot high strawberry beehive. Vashondra had been right, Percodan did go well with gin and vermouth. It wasn't until they passed the airport that Tiki remembered she had luggage in the trunk. She turned towards home when Bitzy admonished, "Tiki, darling have you forgotten that we are out of olives and fuzzy toothpicks, you must make a stop at the 7-11." elan

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