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Chapter 2

     The Story The Authors
It was Bill Clinton. He had snuck away from his gang of Secret Service agents long enough to have a smoke and to blow a few notes from his sax. He caught a glimpse of a group of people in the distance, and noticed their were some women in the crowd. He adjusted the tie Hilary had given him last Christmas and strided over to the ladies in the group and addressed them. "Hello, ladies, " he said in the most gallant way he knew how. His teeth sparkled. The ever-popular Janice was among them, and she answered back, "Hello Prez. What brings you to this god-awful storyline?" "Never mind that, " he replied, saliva dripping from his mouth, "Can I pinch your cute butt? I haven't fondled a woman in hours!" Janice was taken aback of course, and immediately whipped out her remote control... Bella, who is surprised Janice and crew has survived this long...
A rich woman leaned forward to Roberto, her ex-husband. She wore golden pearls made of ivory, and she had a sweet fragrence added to her. She held a picture of her daughter, Amanda, up and screamed. "YOU KILLED HER!" the rich woman screamed. Almost as if on cue, the door slammed open. Coutney G
Then a woman with no name came screaming through the door. "What the hell is wrong with you people!" she shrieked. "Don't you ever read what has already been written prior, in an effort to make the story go smoothly and have just the least bit of continuity??" Then the woman with no name bolted out the door while mumbling something incoherently under her breath. Everyone was silent. Then... I've got no name, so there
She pressed the first button and the American President instantly transformed into a giant Portuguese Man of War jelly fish, jiggling helplessly in a slimey heap on the pavement. Janice was instantly surrounded by a dozen Secret Service Agents who grabbed her and wrestled her to the ground. The agents tried to get the evil remote control from Janice but she had already pressed several buttons. A tornado blew by and dropped several mobile homes several of the secret service agents. The Spice Girls appeared and carried off the rest. A dayglo green convertable '65 Mustang towing an airstream trailer screeched to a halt 30 yards from where Janice was picking herself up off the ground. "C'mon, girlfriend, let's go!" Vashondra Du Lunchenette called out to Janice. Clutching the evil remote control tightly to herself, Janice ran to Vashondra's car and jumped into the back seat. "Punch it!" she said. Vashondra did as she was told and screeched away from the scene. the real Sandy R
It was Lila, leading her younger brothers and sisters through the door. Lila was the oldest of all the children, at age 21. She possessed a sacred power that no one else could possess (except for Stephanie). Brandon looked triumph. He was 17, and a spirited young hunter. Brianna and Kory leaned on the doorway. They were twins, at age 13. Brianna was 3 minutes older than Kory. Melvin was jumping up, trying to see through everyone. Melvin was only 7, but he was as smart as Einstein. He invented the Woookie-scrubber, a little gadget the Renis' used. Stephanie was floating in mid-air, chanting a sacred spell. She was only 5 and a half, but she used her powers well. And last, Jenny ran in, giggling. She was only 2 and three quarters. Roberto jumped and ran out of the house. The rich woman screamed. "Thatmanalwaysruinsmylifeheneverevergoesawayihatethatman!" the rich woman shook her head. Stephanie looked up. "That will be the end of that, Miss Schok." Stephanie closed her eyes. Miss Schok was gone in a POOF. Lila looked around. "Roberto has captured our three brothers and Renee!" Lila almost yelled. The children scrambled all over the house. Alast, Melvin found them. Anna was hiding, age 6. Kirk, age 9, Chris, age 11 and a half. Donny age 12, and Renee age 11. They went back home. Chris and Renee pulled out a piece of paper. Donny took out a pen. Lila looked confused. Renee caught her glance. "We're writing our biographies." Renee explained. Lila smiled. Jenny liked playing with toys, and didn't really understand a whole lot. Brandon and Chris LOVED sports. They hated work. Melvin loved to invent things, and he loved work. Jonathon was 20, and he was fat and ugly with lots of pimples. He really HATED work. Kory and Brianna liked sports, crafts, were okay with working, and they loved ice cream. Anna liked to whine and complain, and loved to get others in trouble, and was a real pest. Stephanie spent most of her time chanting and making up spells with Lila. Donny was a practical joker, and he loved playing tricks on people. Renee loved to read, and she was cute and practical. She liked school, and she was sensitive and shy. Kirk spent most of his time staring at the computer, playing with Joel, or hanging out with Melvin. Lila felt a tug on her dress. It was Kirk. "Can I play with Joel? Please?" Kirk pleaded. Lila almost laughed, but it came out a burp. "Sure. But he can come over here. Let Kristen play with Stephanie, and I'll call them." Lila said. She went to the phone. While, at Janice's house, they were installing a pool. Janice could barely hear the phone ring. "Hello?" Janice nearly shouted through the phone. Lila made the phone louder with her powers. "Hi, Jan. It's me, Lila. Is it okay if you could come over with Joel and Kristen? Stephanie would love to play with Kristen, and Kirk is sacrificing himself to God if he can play with Joel." Lila said. She could hear Janice laughing. "Sure thing. I'll be there in a half an hour. I need some one to watch Terrence and Dianne." Janice said. Lila squinted. When she squinted, that meant she was thinking. "How about Brandon? He's 17." Lila suggested. Janice smiled. "Good idea! Okay, how should we do this?" Janice asked. LATER ON................. "Hey, Joel! Do you want to see Melvin's new gadget? It's so cool! It's a time traveling machine!" Kirk asked Joel excitedly. Joel frowned. He went over to Janice. "Mom. There's no excitement. I wanna go home." Joel whined. Janice sighed. Lila squinted. "I can take care of that. Melvin's time traveler machine holds 20 people, so it won't be crowded. Let's go!" Lila said. Everyone got up. They went into Melvin's time traveling machine. After two cramping hours, the doors opened. Everyone gasped. They were in the............ Renee

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