Bananas in Springtime

Bananas in Springtime

Chapter 6

     The Story The Authors
Suddenly there was a huge explosion and the roof was completely ripped off of the buliding. A helicopter flew over and from it a dark figure wearing a hood slid down a rope and landed in the middle of the cheap sex fantasy. The shadowy figure removed her hood, it was Janice! Yes, Janice the immortal and she was carrying a flame thrower. The rest of her gang burst into the room and they all carried flame throwers as well. "Listen here you 2 dimensional piles of shit!" Janice thundered. "At least I'm an original character! It took imagination to create me and my friends! Not like you pre-fab, ragsheet selling, wet dreams of 13 year old boys! And there is no such character as Joeljeremy! Jeremy is my Husband and Joel is my son you silly peanut-brained cork sucker! DIE!!!" They all fired their flame throwers and torched everyone and everything in the building. When all the screaming had stopped, Janice turned to Jeremy and said, "When will they ever learn?" SJR
Jeremy, just kept smiling - for it is hard for a picture to change. And as Janice turned to survey the room, she realised that her 'gang' was actually only her, for she was in the mirror world. The enormity of her accomplishment felt good. Now we can start to breed and fill the world with real 3D 'original' people. And she sat down with her life size photo of Jeremy and tried to figure out how to get his trousers off. Donna
"Uh, Janice?" asked Jeremy, "What's that you're doing to the lifesize photo of me I gave you?" Janice had ripped out the part of the photo with Jeremy's pants on it. "Oh, never mind Jeremy. I really do love you. Just sometimes I get... well... weird. Like the thing I did to the photo." They kissed. "Wait wait wait," I said. "First you want to kill Jeremy and about five paragraphs later you love him, like, like crazy!? What's goin' on?" Everyone stared at mee with wide eyes. "Who are you?" asked Patrick. "Uh you see, I'm one of the narrators and narrators have to understand what happens in the story. That's why I'm here," I explained. "OH...." said Dianne. "I thought you were one of those stupid Spice Girls again," giggled Joel. Then they explaied to me that the big red button inside the evil remote control had sent everyone to hell, including Janice. From there they were able to rescue terrence, and, since they were immortal, come back. "I guess that button wasn't what I thought it was at all," concluded janice. "Well now I guess Ill go back to writing the story again," I said. "No," said Kristi. "Stay with us and party awhile!" Carolyn
Vash and Bitz raised thier sunglasses above their eyes and removed the martini glasses from thier lips and stared at each other. "Did you hear that Bitz?" asked Vash in a whisper. " Someone said party awhile" she grinned and giggled. "They must have heard us talking about your bellybutton lint collection" Bitz said smerking. Vash gasped in horror. She reached into her 3ft tall strawberry blonde beehive and pulled out a tuperware container full of lint. " you don't think they want it do you?" she said. Bitz sprayed watermelon martini out her mouth. " NO" silly goose" she said."Good cause i need it" Vash said shoving it back inot her hair.Bitz slowly rose to her feet to peek through the bushes at the people who where talking.She fell into the bushes and out into the grass on the other side. The people turned and started to laugh at her as she tried to stand up."What are you staring at" Bitz blurted out.Adjusting her mini skirt and tube top."Not much" said one of the guys.Vash suddenly burst through the bushes like a wild animal in pink pumps. " You guys what a party....we'll give you a party" She said downing her drink and tossing the glass aside.With awesome speed and polished nails Vash pulled out a boombox from her 3ft tall beehive and hit the play button. sean
'Rock Lobster' blared from the boombox and Vash and Bitz began to bounce around in what appeared to be dancing. Amazingly, not one single hair was dislodged from Vash's supernatural do. Even Bitz's tube top stayed firmly in place despite all the bouncing. Then Vash reached into her beehive hairdo again and pulled out a cocktail shaker and some glasses and began mixing drinks. "Watermelon Martini's all around!" she shouted. Sandy R

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