Reflections on the Surface of a Toe Nail

Reflections on the Surface of a Toe Nail

Chapter 5

     The Story The Authors
Jerry put a hand on his crotch. 'Do you see it Lisa?' 'Damnit! I'm seeing it man, but i don't belive it!' 'I know how you feel!!!! Groovy!!!!' 'Jerry, you okay?' 'I'm groooovy maaaaan!' Lisa's worst fear had come true, Jerry had been over taken, possesed if you will, by the mythical Far Out Disco Freak Space Boy Seventies entity. Lisa could remember her parents telling her stories abou the entity, they told her if you she didn't eat all her greens it would come and turn her into a wierd retro timewarped disco freak. 'Heeeeeeyyyyyy, sit on it!' Jerry exclaimed, clutching his crotch and WINDINg like a disco space robot from 1985, body rocking to the core. Lisa watched on in terrified horror. Would the disco freak entity get her to? Could Jerry ever be returned to his normal late ninties indie rocking self? Will Jerry and Lisa ever get married? Will their kids be surfers? Tune in next week! Banjo Higgins
"I now pronounce you husband and wife." said the minister. It was a Thursday morning, and Lisa and Jerry were being wed. Lisa was wearing a sexy bikini, Jerry insited that she wear that and he wears swimming trunks. After their honeymoon, they chose a house in Orlando by the beach. "Like, let's , like, chew some groovy tobacco. Ain't that way far out?" Jerry said. "Uh, sure. I guess." Lisa said. "Like, then, like, then let us make out like, on the naked beach." Jerry kidded. Lisa turned away. She looked down at the floor. She wished she was in Minnasoda with her boyfriend Tom. "Hon, I have to go to a meeting in California. I'll be there for a year. Sorry it was such short notice, but I'll make a million dollars. Okay?" Lisa said. "Sure." Jerry shrugged. Lisa went onto the plane. She glanced at her seat partner. It was a girl. "Hi!" Lisa said to the woman. "Oh, hi. My name's Carrie Sucer, what's yours?" the woman said. Lisa's heart fell. "Sucer?" Lisa managed to say. "Yes, Sucer. My husband's name is Tom. I call him Tommy Wommy, we're so close." Carrie giggled. "Oh." Lisa got up and went to a empty seat. She looked out the window. It was an emergancy window. There was an idea slowy forming in her mind. She kicked the window open. It fell, and she jumped out. She landed on the streets of New York City. Well, not exatly landed, rather, crashed. She was dead. Yuann and Glucia looked up. Yuann shrugged. "Bye Yuann. See ya later." Glucia said. If only I could find Randy! she thought. Randy was her teenage daughter. Randy was 15, and she was punk. "Yo, Gem!" she heard a voice call. The word Gem stood for Glucia Exatly Mom. She knew that was Randy. "Yo, Gem! I just am goin ta hang out with Frog, To, Sachy, and Lu La." Randy said. Glucia nodded. Randy & Gem
"Who are these people I seem to love?" Askes Randy to herself. Who would of known that secretly he was watching her. Just because she was 15 didn't mean he couldn't like her. "Hi Ran," Josh spoke. He was 34 and her Biology teacher. "Well,", she thought to herself, "he does have a nice ass." tekaforever
Had any diety been looking down on the town that minute, and had any diety seen such vagrant lust, Randy would have been made sterile at that very moment. Nonetheless, the perversion ran through her head. Josh, or Jackass, as the class was calling him, made his small talk and walked down the hall to the teachers lounge, where he proceded to smoke a pipe, or a cigarette, or a cigar, or maybe marijuana, I don't know, they never let me in the teachers lounge. Ran took off for the band room, because all the crybabies in school hung out there, so she wouldn't stick out, crying and dreaming over Josh. Big Germ
After school, Ran went back home and tried not to think about Josh too much. . . Ran's next door neighbor Kate, on the other hand was having a wonderful time. It's nearly sunset and a young lady, Kate is sitting at the tent with an older gentleman, Terry. They are laughing and smiling, and enjoying eachother company. . . He (Grady) is walking with his mother, looking for a familiar face, and then he glances over to the tents beside the fence. The man, he knows. The girl - familiar? Perhaps, he knows he has seen her, but the sun is shining so brightly and she is so happy - maybe she is an angel - a echo in his mind. "Do you see her?" he quietly asks his mother. "Yes," she replies, "That is her. . .isn't she all grown up?" Memories flood in . . . he had practically forgotten her. He couldn't of even told you the color of her eyes, and yet now, he remembered everything. Her laughter as she looked at him. They were so young then. . . what was this feeling he had now? He slowly walked closer. She was not looking in his direction - she had no notice of him. . .and then: she stopped smiling. A strange look crossed her face. . . she turned her head and looked straight into his eyes. Something quickly passed between them. She stood up and walked towards him. She was smiling and laughing. "Oh my, I've waited years for this," she reached out and held his hand, but quickly released it. . . a pained look crossed her face. 'So, she knows." he thought to himself. "How are you," he asked her. "Fine," she replied, once again smiling,this time though, it was a bit forced. "It's been forever hasn't it? So much has changed." she said. "Not all that much," he said back to her, "and what was changed is back the way it was." What was he saying? Everything was flowing quickly, yet naturally. "I'm not engaged," he blurted out. Her eyes narrowed, she studied him. . . "Oh," was all she could manage to say. Her eyes brimmed with tears, she moved closer to him. She slowly put her arms around him. "You came back to me." she wispered. "Yes," he said. How long they stood there. . . who knows. They laughed together. What had just happened. She had waited her whole life and now the fairy tail had come to the part she had always wanted it to come to the part she had always wanted it to come to. He was holding her. He loved her. How it happened, she nor he knew, but somehow it was clear to both of them that they would always be together. Terry watched Kate as she fell into Grady's arms. Terry has spent all day with Kate, and he knew she still loved Grady. To see the very converstion they had just had come to life made him so happy. Terry had always wanted Kate to be happy and now she was, and so was he. tekaforever

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