Reflections on the Surface of a Toe Nail

Reflections on the Surface of a Toe Nail

Chapter 3

     The Story The Authors
"What the hell am I doing here?" she asked herself aloud. To her surprise, Jeffrey answered for her. "Finally came to your senses, huh, babe? Couldn't leave the money, could you?" He approached her with his exaggerated cowboy swagger. She instinctively backed away. "It's not like that at all, Jeff. In fact, I'm not coming back." "Really? Is that a fact?" As he replied he took her arm gently but firmly and turned her so that she was forced to face him. "Business has been bad since you left. Real bad." To accentuate the point he held out his left foot, which was barely covered by a worn-out sneaker. "It's not my place anymore, Jeff. I've left that behind me." "Have you? Then why are you here?" To that she had no answer. Super Dave
"I'm just a really talented prostitute?" she questioningly proposed. "Okay, I'll give you that," Jeff replied, "Wanna have sex?" "Okay," she retorted. And they did... Brad
for about a week non-stop ben
for about a week non-stop ben
After two weeks, even Jeff's amazing stamina was at its end. Nicole's money problem was solved - Jeff gave her two thousand dollars (apparently times weren't THAT bad), but she had stood up the vet. She called a Taxi. "Where to, ma'am?" Super Dave
The Gap, I can't think if I'm not shopping. Jess Merlin
"There you go, ma'am. Have a nice day now." Nicole was impressed by the cabbie's command of English and tipped him nicely. As usual, her trip to the Gap worked wonders for putting her in perspective with her innermost feelings and desires. "To hell with Tom, or whatever his name was," she thought to herself, "I know what I really want. The women's Ultimate Fighting Championship!" She proceeded to the corner of the store and there she picked out new fighting clothes. Tom had insisted she quit her life in the ring when marriage was considered; the bastard had a lot of nerve! With him gone, she could go back to life how she really wanted it, how it was meant to be for her. She contacted her trainer and told him she wanted back in. He was more than willing; she had been a star pupil and a contender for the world crown in the no-holds-barred sport. The Championship Tournament was in five weeks; she vowed that she would be ready. Super Dave
After five weeks of eye gouging and cattle raping, she was in perfect condition. Well, however good one could get from raping cattle. The day of the first battle had arrived. Nicole was pumped up and ready. She ate some Flintstones and had some Jim Bean, She was ready. Nicole's name was announced over the arena's P A system. She staggered out onto the runway in a alcoholic haze. Nicole was going under the name "Albino Necrophilia" She entered the caged ring and vomited on someone. A rusty brown colored liquid landed with a squish on Jess Merlin's head. Everyone laughed. Her puke was normal except for some chickin bones and a few car parts. Nicole danced and jabbed in the ring. Her opponents name was about to be announced. The crowd went silent. Nicole saw her opponent enter the ring. She was big, real big. She had rolls of fat on her nose. The back of her neck looked like a pack of hot dogs. She was dressed ina small leather thong, and reeked of chickin grease. Nicole knew this freak right away. It was no other than Hitman Hutley, The notorious Geriatric rapist. Her specialty was chocolate milk enimas. "Bring it on Grandma" The fight was on. Thunderlips
Then Mike Tyson showed up and ate those bitches out. Mills Lane then disqualified Tyson, who promptly bit his ear. But Nicole wasn't finished. she returned later from the sky wheeling a baseball bat. She thought she could open a can of whoop ass on the entire crowd. Well she was wrong dead wrong. Hitman Hutley pulled out her nine and wasted everybody in the place. She then proceeded to pull out some cigarettes and smoked the whole pack until she was interrupted by Daria. Daria said "nigger please" she then stabbed the Hitman in the face. Bush Monkey
Suddenly a fairy godmother appeared "poof", and she said, " Now, now, children, saying bad words does not make you good children". Charlotte

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