The Figs of May - Carpe Testicularum

The Figs of May - Carpe Testicularum

Chapter 6

     The Story The Authors
...As the ambulance sped away from the mess behind them Crink praised himself for being so smart. But had he gotten away with it? Did they really think that he had been a helpless victim in all of this, like Mother Hickey?? Yeah, he got away with it. He got away with murder. He began to congratulate himself again. Mother Hickey, out of his life forever. No more sickening stench radiating from the back room... none
of the laundry mat were he resided at. No more slaving all day over a hot washer, entering clothing, by clothing, hour after hour. No more struggling all day, feeling like no end, for a 5 dollar washer. Know he owns the washer, and he went to extreme to get it.
You see, all his life Crink has been washer and dryerless. Always hang drying his clothing, so he got tired of it. He decided he would do anything that he had to too get one. When Mother Hickey found him laying in the street, screamin, she decided to get him one, but not for free.
Justin Kmaplain
Was he to labor for this? So ironic it is, that his long labour is what has caused him to reek of sweat and earth, and he shall have to labour so much more to simply remove the evidence of his hard work.
And so, he sighed, his face crumpling into his strong weathered hands which engulfed his face like a wretched mask. A mask. How many masks has he worn?
His worn to meny for his time.He must learn to face the world and to speek out for what he wants. adam collier
His worn to meny for his time.He must learn to face the world and to speek out for what he wants.Today he must learn and today I sir Max Maniaxe shale teach him how to face the world.And today I will be free of this body as the ledgernd said I will be free if I teach a man afrade of the world. adam collier
His worn to meny for his time.He must learn to face the world and to speek out for what he wants.Today he must learn and today I sir Max Maniaxe shale teach him how to face the world.And today I will be free of this body as the ledgernd said I will be free if I teach a man afrade of the world. Adam Collier
Thusly quoting Sir Reginald Blunderbebe (1697-1753) Crink slammed the brakes and turning a wide left that sent the back wheels of his speeding amublance skittering amongst the last few brown leaves of Autumn and headed East on Tarmac Blvd. The two lane country highway fled before him in a series of gut wrenching undulations with pasture land on either side as if he were driving down a stripe on some vast coverlet. A gentle mist was rising from the dew kissed grass as the first limp rays of dawn tripped and fell over the edge of the green backed mountains. Even over the blaring whinny of the ambulance siren Crink could hear the sickening crunch of Hickey's cruiser flattening a mailbox as he tried to make the same turn. "Poor Matt," sighed Crink, "he always was a shitty driver." Lanark
"Damn," Matt yelled as he was thrown forward against the steering wheel of the beaten cruiser. Smoke steamed out of the front hood, but Matt gritted his teeth and pushed the gas pedal down as far as it would go. The car lurched forward, tires spinning, leaving a gentle flutter of junk mail in its wake. Ahead of him, Matt could see the flashing lights of the ambulance as it screamed into the distance. "It's time you stopped thinking with your balls, Matt," a little voice told him, "after all you don't have any. Use your brain!" Somehow his glove compartment had opened, and the contents had spilled out. Registration papers, sunglasses, life savers, condoms, moldy donut ends and maps were strewn over the front seat of the car. One of the maps caught Matt's eye. Aquila
Idly, he started talking to himself, "Why do I still have a map of Nevada? It's not like I'm ever going back!" Steve
I don't know what this map is for? he said
"For all I can guess, this is the road we're on right here," he said to his girlfriend as he pointed to it.
"Just a sec, I've got to keep my eyes on the road you know" she she said as if it were the most obvious thing in th world, in other words, sarcasticly. The car slowly pull over to the side of the road.
"What are you pulling over for?" he asked, "You can look at the map at the same time as you drive."
"I don't know about the former girlfriends you have had," she said chuckling, "maybe they could putting on their mascara, and blush, while drinking their coffee and driving, but I can't, it's agaist the law, and it'll cause me to drive slower which will get the drivers behind me mad at me, just like you get mad at those drivers, and I really perfer to be thought of as a model driver by anyone." she continued to chomp away at her gum while smiling at her boyfriend victoriously, as if trying to say 'come on, BRING IT ON!'.
"I don't know how you managed to get that out in one breath. But once again, I can't and won't argue with you because your moral side is quite right, and that's one of the things I love and hate about you." he said leaning forward for a kiss while making the mistake of closing his eyes. She responded by popping the piece of gum out of her mouth and plugging up his mouth with it. As he opened his eyes wide in surprize trying to respond while accidentally letting the guim escape his mouth and getting it stuck between his fingers, she turned her attention back to the map which, she noticed, looked a little small for a street map, and as she looked it over, her suspisions were verified.
"Man, how long have we been fallowing this map?" she asked.
"Couple hours, why?" he asked puzzled.
"Take a good, long, look at it dope! I think you need some glasses, BAD!!" she said doubling over laughing. He snatched the map that she was holding out, and inspecting it closer, and started laughing also.
"I can't believe we've been fallowing a fun house map!" she said laughing, "you're so dumb, oh man, it's hilarious!"

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