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Chapter 2

     The Story The Authors

"If you think everyone is here for altruistic reasons you're fooling yourself and your showing an amount of stupidity I thought was beneath you.", said a smuggly self satisfied William.
"Oh lay off and lighten up! How many people do you know who sit around here day and night pouring all their concentration into all this esoteric bullshit for free, or for very low wages, less than minimum in most cases?", retorted Terry in a semi-empassioned rebuttal. He actually didn't enjoy arguing with William.

"yeah right, those people who are just in the purgatory zone as self made martyrs knowing full well what lies ahead of them. Knowing that if they just get the right training and put their time in they'll soon graduate to a company where they can command a bloated salary, and reminiss about how much they had to suffer when they were students, paid only by the fact that they were contributing to the greater body of knowledge used to advance mankind. If that's so, then why come graduation do they vanish like lemmings over a cliff, dump their old habits, wardrobes, and friends, cast off any semblence of ideals they once pretended to have, and step on the escalator of clones in suits all for the green paper compensation?" William asked retorically, and then continued.
"I'll tell you why. They key word here is pretend. These people know where they come from. They come from good educated families. Families with the undercurrent of expectations that runs like an underground stream, forever present but never heard or noticed. Not like those other well educated, well to do families where the expecations are blurted out at every questionable opportunity. Those people become lawyers and doctors. But that's another issue. No, these people are only pretending to be like you. I'm surprised they could fool you so easily. Trust me they know from where they come, and they know where they're going. You've been listening to fish stories all these years. You know when someone says they caught a fish this big....", and William spread his arms as if to gesture as to the size of the fish but he accidently bumped over a paper coffee cup.
"Merde!" he shouted as he tried to catch it before it fell over, but in so doing he hit the toggle lever on the magnet stabilizer and the coffee spilled anyway.
Terry and William were in the magnet control room of the NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) facility which contained an 80,000 Gauss magnet used to probe the structure of proteins, peptides, and other small molecules. The Gaussmeter shot from 10,000 Guass to 87,000 Gauss and then began to fluctuate back and forth between 50,000 and 70,000 Gauss. They had been careful, according to protocol, not to bring any large metal objects into the room, but the unexpected surge had all the paper clips flying from the desk where they were sitting (and arguing) to the window behind which sat the magnet. In addition, Terry's glasses flew off his face and went sailing through the air, sticking to the window.
Joselito had begun to wonder where he'd heard that higher powers generally didn't let animals into heaven, and wondered what sort of God would want such an arrangement. In fact, he thought, maybe God was a virus! Dare he think such a thing? What would that make him? An opportunistic infection? Nonetheless he wondered if Muffy's body flying about the room was the little dog's last dance of rebellion, knocking frantically on heaven's door trying to get in despite the decree of the higher power.

Dr. Phibes' laboratory was directly underneath the magnet. As Joselito tried frantically to access the client database of sentient beings present and past, he hadn't yet figured out that this wasn't Muffy's first time being hit by a car.

In fact muffy's leg had been broken a few years back early in his professional career as the first Taco Bell poodle. During one of the shoots muffy was placed atop a taxi cab chasing after a woman who had just pulled out of a Taco Bell drive through. The Taxi was supposed to catch up to the woman at a stop light where he would utter "Quiero tu Taco caliente!" (I want your hot taco). However as the Taxi rounded a turn the little dog slid off the car, and was hit by the truck carrying the camera crew. Fortunately only Muffy's leg was broken and could be fixed by the insertion of a stainless steel pin in his leg. pH

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