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Chapter 4

     The Story The Authors
"But how are we gonna make her happy?" asked Adam, watching the ever growing Geraldine wail.
"Vell, vat is herr favoreet pazdime?"
"Hmmm. Geraldine, what do you like doing?"
"I don't know! I just sit around and grow! Waaaaaaaaah!"
"Vat did you do ze mozt bevore you got zo large?"
"I sat around in the graveyard and drank beer and had hallucinations and wished I could kiss Adam. Waaaaah!"
"Zer you have it, Adamm, you need to kizz herr and zen she vill be happy."
Adam looked up at Geraldine's lips. They were ten feet above his head and about six inches thick. He definetely had a problem.
"Stop exaggerating!" said Gregor. "Come now, zhe iz your girlfriend! Kees her!"
Adam covered his eyes and puckered his lips but he stopped short of Geraldine's moist, pudgy face. "I can't!"
"You Americains know nothing of love. Stand aside!" Gregor climbed onto Geraldine's shoulder and began whispering into her ear. "Oh, mon petit fleur, your eyes sparkle like zhe rarest emeralds from Columbia, your hair iz like zhe finest silk from China, your skin iz smooth and flawless as porcelain from Paris. When I hear your beautiful voice, I zhink it must be an angel from ze heavens singing to me. Darling, can't you see zat I love you?"
Geraldine stopped wailing and wiped her face on her sleeve.
"Your just saying that to make me feel better. Who could love someone as enormous as me?"
"No, mon amor, you are voluptuous! You are a whole lot of woman!"
Geraldine blushed. "Kees me! Hold me! I wan't to get lost een your folds." Gregor continued. Geraldine giggled and shifted in the doorway. It was working, she was coming loose! Adam and Potter grabbed her arms and began to pull again.
Geraldine let out a deep(and she hoped) sensuous sigh. She was melting to be sure. The soft husky accented voice in her ear was slowly warming the cockles of her heart (and other bits as well) She longed to turn her head to see the possesor of this mellifluous and erotic vocal instrument, but her sixth and seventh chins were as yet still in the way. "I wonder if he's got a car?" she thought and in her mind she prepared to give of herself whatever he desired.
"Oh Oh Oh mon petit chou chou All ze ozer American girlz zay are so skin-ee. Non, non, non, A real man need a womahn weet zum meat on her. A beeg beautiful womahn, she eez so full of ze erotic possibliteez."
Gregor's charms were decidedly working. Four more of Geraldine's chins had dissolved. And at last she could swivel her neck again. At last she could see her unseen lover. With a coy underswept turn of her head, Geraldine looked with half closed eyes and half open mouth to greet the tender lips of her beaux. It was only then that she noticed that there was a very large cockroach sitting on her shoulder.
For an instant the fear of this loathsome creature made her want to throw cockroach out her bedroom window although her body was still in ectasy from the seduction. Instead she looked at this wretched insect with adoration and professed this..."Finally the fairy tale has found me ...the beauty has found her beast. Despite my vast body size and all of my dimples and cottage cheese fat deposits you made me feel like the most beauiful woman on earth.". Her body heat was rising again her skin softening her heart racing...She was overwhelmed with desire...She reached over seemingly to kiss him hungry from all of the orgasms Mr. Cockroach had given her. Suddenly the strongest hunger pain struck in her stomach like a bolt of lightening. Ms. Cottage cheese had not eaten for 30 minutes consumed with pleasure from the courtship. Her lips met with his antenna. As she rolled to the side and brought her shoulder up to her chin her other hand came out from under her, captured Mr. Cockroach in her grasp and shoved him into her mouth. The shell on his body crackled on the side of her mouth and the body of Mr. Cockroach had dissolved in her system. For that moment everything was perfect for Ms. Cottage Cheese. She would never have to feel alone again and she wouldn't have to eat for another 30 minutes. Dana D'Arienzo

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