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No Title Yet

Chapter 2

     The Story The Authors
Wait a minute, thought Assistant Principal Hadley. Amelia Earhardt, Glen Miller, Elvis, DB Cooper, and Jimmy Hoffa had never lived in this city. Why would I think they would be down here? He decided that he had been confused and it was just him, Geraldine, Adam, Joe, and those ten other people who had written their names on the wall.
He experimentally put his finger on the wall. It was surprisingly soft, probably not wood at all. When he lifted his finger, there was a dark spot on the wall. He checked his finger. It was normal. Not dirty at all. Hmmmmm..........
Geraldine and Adam, having finished writing their names, looked up. "Oh hi," said Geraldine, "we didn't notice you were here. Want to come with us?"
"Oh all right," said Assistant Principal Hadley. He didn't want to be alone, and since there was only one way to go, it seemed the logical thing to do.
Retrieving a sack of bagels from his left pants pocket he offered a bagel to each of them. vanblah
Susie said that she didn't want one, and then a vicious alien leaped out of his nose and bit off her finger. George said he didn't want one and an alien leaped out of the bagel bag and slowly ate his big toe. Bob said he wanted one and another alien went after him for lying. Sue
Geraldine's visions had been continuing subconsciously, only occasionally they would bubble to the surface. While concentrating on her calligraphic technique the sound of Hadley's footsteps had no doubt made the slightest impression on her ear drums. She was slightly hungry after all. Dinner had been a long time ago. The prospect of Hadley approaching and congenially offering some nourishment and then releasing flesh eating aliens when rebuffed was definately a plausible theme in the psychoanalysis of this young woman. But then, what would Freud have said about Hadley offering bagels instead of, say, cucumbers? Her temporary reverie was immediatlely broken by the arrogant, self satisfied sound of a familiar voice. Chris
"Well, well, well," said Assistant Principal Hadley. "And what have we here?"
Adam and Geraldine looked up suddenly from the wall they were tagging, saw the Assistant Principal, and simultaneously dropped their magic markers, sprang up, and raced on down the gloaming darkness of one of the tunnels which Assistant Principal Hadley saw, as his eyes adjusted to the rather peculiar lighting of the place, ran out of the chamber he stood in, seemingly in all directions.
"Wait!" he called. "You pesky little shits! Don't make me chase you! Don't you fucking dare." He shook his fist in the air as their footsteps faded away.
moaned the unfortunate Muff Potter. Officer Hickey had him by the legs dangling him into the hole. "What do you see Potter? Are they down there? Answer me you stupid fuck!"
"Shut the fuck up, and tell me what you see."
"Nothiiiiiing. An' all the blood's rushin' to mah haid. AAAARUUUU
"Well, go and find them then." And Hickey let him go.
Hadley sniffed the air for the juicy scent of adolescent and lit up a Lucky. Damn, he only had about four left. He'd have to conserve and god help those kids when he ran out.
Brandishing his heavy flashlight like a club he started down the corridor. In the distance he could hear the echoey clack of teenage footfalls scampering away. let the little shits run. He'd find them. Or something else would. Saarg had been rather unclear of what exactly was in the hole. Something "evile and wikked" and something "ov grate valu" were all his research had unearthed. But whatever it was it was his to claim. And no meddling kids were gonna deprive him of his glory.
Geraldine and Adam slowed their pace to a jog, then a walk. Then they stopped. They had come to a huge door. Strange noises came from the other side.
"Should we go in?" asked Geraldine.
Adam was in some kind of trance. "Ordella Giraldalulie Ferrelargus Serilda Hadwin," he said dazedly.
"What?" asked Geraldine.
Adam said nothing. Geraldine could only hear the strange noises. When she listened closely they sounded like voices. "Ordella Geraldalulie Ferrelargus Serilda Hadwin..."
Geraldine suddenly realized she was whispering to herself, "Ordella Geral -" She stopped herself. "My name is Geraldine so don't call me Ferplargius. Or whatever that was." Something very strange was going on here...

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