The Unnamed adventures of Roger Weaver

The Unnamed adventures of Roger Weaver

Chapter 6

     The Story The Authors
And thus it was that Boar, the once-again-hatless Cat, and Things One and Two found themselves thrown roughly into a dank, windowless cell, replete with rusty chains, hungry rats and weirdly phosphorescent mildew.

"It seems that we are in the shit.
I feel up to my neck in it.
I furthermore hypothesize:
Aforesaid shit is on the rise.

...remarked the Cat, for all of them, and when the ensuingly pregnant silenced that followed these apt musings on their predicament was broken, it was not by any of them, but by a froggy groan emanating from the far corner of the cell.
As the clever reader has doubtless not failed to anticipate, the emitter of this groan was none other than Roger Weaver, at long last reunited with his co-hangover-sufferers in a damp and hopeless dungeon...


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