The Peaches that Fell

The Peaches that Fell

Chapter 5

     The Story The Authors
At last Russell felt a steadfast purpose. After all this time of maddness and fear about his sanity, after all these episodes of psychopathy, at last he felt free. He would go to the Wizard and dicover the meaning of life. Surely the scrap of paper in his hand held that secret! The script was both square and soft in shape. The characters both bold and plain and suggestive and beautiful. They brought him hope. Trish
He knew it would be a long hard journey. It had been centuries since someone had last dared to go seek audience with the Wizzard. Legends abounded of the difficult and dangerous journey ahead of those who dared go. He thought briefly of the dark forests and enchated glades that others foretold in the legends, about the evil trolls and seductive sirens that attempted to lure the tired and weary traveler away. Resolutely he folded the paper with its mysterious inscription and placed it into the amulet he always wore about his neck. Picking up a stout walking stick he purposefully strode to the west, toward Ackbar Mountain, home of the Wizzard. dennis
He looked meaningful at Ackbar Mountain where the wizard had live since the beginning of tme. His amulet began to glow and the inscription was now like new. The mysterious inscription began to make sense. It began to snow and the wind howled. Maria
His amulet was a map around all the mountains to get to Ackbar Mountain. He will finally learn magic from the wizard. Amy
He will learn magic and the meaning of life from the wizard. Finally, he found the wizard's cave. the wizard was there. He looked like he was about to die. I ran over to him shouting,"Oh! Wizard how can I help you? You have enough power and wisdom to stop yourself from death. Why don't make yourself not die?" "I don't want to deel with this pain anymore. I have been waiting for someone to come and take my place. You will inherit my wisdom and knowledge over time. You will take my place. It took me a long time to be so wise and smart. But now I know everything. If I don't learn something new every day, I will start to fade away and die," the wizard said weekly.Then, before my very eyes, the wizard faded away. In his place was a very fat book-it had about a million pages if not more. I opened up the book and started to read. On the second page was a picture of the most beautiful place. The picture had a caption that read- The World of Imagination - I fell in the picture. It was the best place in the world. Amy
The ground was made of cotton candy. I stooped and ate some. Everything I had ever imagined was in this place. Off to the sides was a purple horse who ran over to chat with me. I wanted to know who the wizard was. Before I could find out, a large dinosaur grabbed me in his mouth and ran away with me. I became unconcious, but when I woke up I was amazed! none
There was a monkey with a yellow egg quickly sipping orange tea. Boochie
as he finished and got up the egg splashed away! lia
then out came a chick from the tea and bit his nose!!! bhakti
with a rose in between her ears and a smashing pose Leo
Again Russell said, "Adfaf!" but more loudly. The little elf had cotton candy in his ears and could hear nothing. "Adfaf!!" shouted Russell. The little fellow looked up. "Eh?" "I have been trying to get your attention... This world is a sorry place and I think you can get me out of it. Can you?" Russell shouted. Adfaf was surprised because he had thought the picture perfect world he was in was all anyone could want. "Whatever can you mean?" he asked. "Why," said Russell, "Without any evil to compare the good too, how can one realize just how good things are?" Trish
Adfaf took the cotton candy out of his ears. "Oh, dear! Oh, dear!" he mumbled. He began turning the bright amulet over and over in his hands. "You don't seem to understand, Russell! This is the world of Imagination! There are plenty of terrible and horrible things here. Even children know it is not a purely wonderful world." Trish
Russell wasn't listening. He was preoccupied with the large building which was rising out of the ground. Adfaf and Russell quickly ran out of the way; the castle kept rising and pushing the expelling hot fumes from deep below it. Suddenly the castle stopped and several children looked out one of the castle windows. They were scared and hungry. As Russell and Adfaf marvelled at the structure, the children pelted them with diamonds. Unfortunately, the diamonds disintegrated upon touching the two. Russell and Adfaf approached the castle. Blarney

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