The Peaches that Fell

The Peaches that Fell

Chapter 4

     The Story The Authors
Yes, she is mine. Keep you foreign hands off her. Go back to your country. jon
"NEIN!" I screamed, leveling my nazi-engineered rifle at his head. "Perhaps NOW you will be more reasonable, American swine!" I grinned at him and pulled the trigger, perforating his skull in 5 even circles. Seņor Spigot
At the sound of gunfire the Literary Police rushed in! Jon was relieved they were not Johnny-come-latelies, and popped to his feet. "This is incredible," said Joe Swanson, head of LPD. "I am so sorry to interrupt your scene, but this fellow is out of place here. My appologies, Slava, we know you are a Russian, and not a cad." Slava nodded,"Shall we get on with the story?" This sort of thing had happened many times in his experience. Both professors and students were continuly amazed at his seminars at the universities he visited. His English was impeccable. Besides his native Russian, he knew several languages, including German... Elizabeth stired. Trish
Through half closed eyes Elizabeth tried to make sense of the situation. Three men, two of them in uniform, were crouching over her. As she lay in a mishmash of chopsticks, seaweed, and wasabi she tried to remember what had happened to her. Had she had too much saki? Then she saw the Time magazine laying amongst the littered floor. "That's right" she thought, I told them I was a lesbian and that announcement seems to have started some sort of international incident. She had heard of parent's disowning their children upon hearing the news but why all this fuss, and why was a handsome stranger speaking to her in what seemed like a slavic language. In the distance she heard sirens approaching. Moments later the door burst open and in came two men dressed in white carrying a folded stretcher. "Nooooo", she screamed, "I'm not going back to Russel" Scrambling to her feet, Elizabeth felt her hand being grabbbed by the sushi chef. "This way", he said as he pushed her through the kitchen and into the opened doors of a wildly painted Volkswagon van. Collapsing on the floor she looked up to see a familiar looking woman in the drivers seat. "No time for formal introductions", the woman hollered, "Name's Jade and you're not going back to Russel, everythings cool". trug
Instead she went to a camp where it was just lesbians who could change their name so noone would know how sick they really were. But they all knew it would get out sooner or later Tye Roth
Although the thought of her small town friends learning about her new attitude kind of excited her. jake
She was determined not to let anyone change her mind about this. none
The van turned off on a gravel road just before they reached Sonoma. "This is the place, and you're welcome to stay as long as you like," Jade said in a friendly welcoming tone. Elizabeth was too stunned and confused to do much more than grunt a thank-you. She had no idea where she was or why this seemingly nice woman had basically kidnapped her. All that mattered right now was that she get some rest. Tomorrow she would think about Jon and that strange masquerade as a LPD agent. Jade showed her to an upstairs bedroom which was clean although exceedingly spartan in furniture. It contained a single bed, a very small pine dresser and a writing desk solely occupied by a heavy black telephone that reminded her of her mother. "Bathroom's down the hall and help yourself to the towels in the closet" Jade told her. "Why don't you have a hot bath and a bit of a lie down. I'll be fixing supper in the kitchen if you need anything," she added. Elizabeth replied, "Yes, I'll do that, thank you very much." She wanted to ask Jade who she was and why she had brought her to this place, but didn't want to know the answers quite yet. Jade closed the door as she left. Immediately Elizabeth peeled off her fish stained t-shirt and wriggled out of her jeans. Flopping onto the bed she felt something rustle under the pillow. Upon inspection she found a notecard of pale yellow with purple pansies in the corner, in meticulous flowery script was handwritten 'Elizabeth'. How could theis be, for who knew she was coming here?

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